Nature Identification Information
At Camporee, 15 - 20 plants, shrubs, and trees will be chosen from the list for the team to identify.  4 points will be given for each correct common name.  

An extra point is earned for each correct scientific name or interesting information about the plant (for example: edible, poisonous, used in tanning hides, color of flowers if none are present, etc.)

Scientific name:  All organisms in the world have  a unique name, in Latin, that is the same all over so that all people can recognize and identify a particular organism.  Since Latin is supposedly a dead language, it does not change and the names will remain the same.  The scientific name has two parts:
the genus, which is capitalized (somewhat like our last name) and
the species, which is lower case (like our first name)


Some plants will also be listed with ‘v’ after the genus and species, and another
name is listed after that. ‘v’ stands for variety and  breaks the species
down one more level to an even more specific organism. 
The following pages have assorted photos of the plant, leaves, fruits, and flowers.
The common name is listed first, then the scientific name.  Next will come identifying information about the plant. Additional information in red for the extra points comes last, although knowing the color of flowers, if they are not present, will also count, and those are not in red.  Concentrate on knowing the common name and the extra fact. 
Practice makes perfect…don’t expect to learn these all overnight! 


Good Luck!

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